El termino "criptomoneda"se refiere a una moneda digital basada en protocolos criptográficos, que hacen que las transacciones sean seguras y extremadamente difíciles de falsificar.
La característica más importante de las criptomonedas es que no están controladas por ninguna autoridad central: la naturaleza descentralizada de Blockchain hace que estas monedas sean prácticamente inmunes a la interferencia o el control de los gobiernos.
Además, gracias a la combinación de una clave pública y una privada, las criptomonedas simplifican el proceso de transacción. Los intercambios se realizan con costos de procesamiento mínimos, lo que permite a los usuarios evitar las muy altas comisiones que imponen las instituciones financieras tradicionales.
12 de septiembre de 2020

Early Bitcoin Investor Sees Parallels Between Now And 2016 Bull Breakout

Crypto News PRO Bitcoin price has spent the last two years hovering around $10,000 – a key resistance level that in the past has incited serious […]
12 de septiembre de 2020

Why One On-Chain Analyst is Wary About Bitcoin’s “CME Gap” Narrative

Crypto News PRO One widespread narrative that cryptocurrency investors have been closely watching as of late is regarding Bitcoin’s propensity to fill gaps that are formed […]
12 de septiembre de 2020

An Article About DeFi And Ethereum’s SushiSwap Just Hit Bloomberg Terminals

Crypto News PRO It’s been quite the past few days for Ethereum, decentralized finance, and the entire crypto industry due to SushiSwap. SushiSwap marked a revolution […]
12 de septiembre de 2020

A Day in the Life of an Ethereum 2.0 Validator

Crypto News PRO Sep 12, 2020Podcasts(Fernand De Canne/Unsplash)With Ethereum 2.0’s much-anticipated move to Proof-of-Stake getting closer, CoinDesk Research Analyst Christine Kim spoke with Ben Edgington and […]
12 de septiembre de 2020

This Top Macro Analyst Is Bullish on Ethereum’s Nexus Mutual (NXM)

Crypto News PRO Ethereum’s decentralized finance space has been catching a lot of attention over the past few weeks. This is for good reason: since the […]
12 de septiembre de 2020

The Raw, Savage Capitalism of Open-Source Protocols

Crypto News PRO Sep 12, 2020 at 17:00 UTC(nuvolanevicata/Getty Images)Recapping the biggest stories of the week, including Joe Biden’s China plan, a market holding pattern and, […]
12 de septiembre de 2020

Will $10,000 Be The New Floor?

Crypto News PRO On Wednesday 9th, stock markets recovered a good portion of prior day’s sell-off. As for crypto, all was quiet until later at night, […]
12 de septiembre de 2020

Blockchain Bites: Square’s Patent Posse, Binance’s DeFi Bridge, SushiSwap’s Co-Founder Speaks

Crypto News PRO Sep 11, 2020 at 16:01 UTC(Volodymyr Hryshchenko/Unsplash)Square is pushing back against crypto patent hogs, Binance is doubling down on DeFi and what’s the […]
12 de septiembre de 2020

Once COVID-19 Ends, Bitcoin Will Need to do More Than “Go Up”

Crypto News PRO COVID-19 continues to wreck everything, but this will change sooner than you think. At that point, bitcoin will have a choice to make.Photo […]