El termino "criptomoneda"se refiere a una moneda digital basada en protocolos criptográficos, que hacen que las transacciones sean seguras y extremadamente difíciles de falsificar.
La característica más importante de las criptomonedas es que no están controladas por ninguna autoridad central: la naturaleza descentralizada de Blockchain hace que estas monedas sean prácticamente inmunes a la interferencia o el control de los gobiernos.
Además, gracias a la combinación de una clave pública y una privada, las criptomonedas simplifican el proceso de transacción. Los intercambios se realizan con costos de procesamiento mínimos, lo que permite a los usuarios evitar las muy altas comisiones que imponen las instituciones financieras tradicionales.
enero 6, 2021

Usury of fees at Ethereum

The Ethereum network is reaching its limits. The high demand for ethers is increasingly clogging the network and causing transaction costs to skyrocket again.Ether investors look […]
enero 6, 2021

How to Build a Cryptocurrency e-Wallet?

Involving in Crypto wallet development helps in easy management of online payments.In this blog, we will explore how Crypto digital wallets work, their major types, how […]
5 de enero de 2021

BTC Price Skyrockets, New Week Starts With High Volatility — Price Analysis, 4 Jan 2021

Last week a few crypto exchanges announced that they would delist some of the so-called privacy coins such as Monero, Dash, and Zcash. For example, Bittrex […]
5 de enero de 2021

What Happens to Crypto in 2021?

The foretelling events that speak for itselfThe cryptocurrency industry is currently going through a wild ride at the close of 2020 and continuing through the start […]
5 de enero de 2021

Internet of Things (IoT) on Polkadot: How Decentralized Networks Can Bypass Amazon Web Services

IoT development is impossible without creating a decentralized environment. Linking devices to remote servers of IT companies is the initial, not the last stage in the […]
5 de enero de 2021

The Top Bitcoin Price Prediction For 2021

Bitcoin price will reach $ 100,000 — $ 200,000 in the next 12 months is a fairly common prediction. But if such predictions are labeled as […]
5 de enero de 2021

Should You Buy Ethereum?

What to know before buying ethereum.Ethereum is the second largest cryptocurrency by market cap.What does that mean?The total value of its circulating supply is second only […]
5 de enero de 2021

¡Otro bautismo de fuego de Bitcoin a medida que Ethereum se acerca a máximos históricos!

Ethereum: Above and beyondAs bitcoin continues its parabola, Ethereum has been slowly and sneakily gaining momentum, per the previous newsletter.Indeed, Ethereum leaped well-beyond the $850 figure […]
5 de enero de 2021

Bittrex elimina las monedas de privacidad Dash, Monero y Zcash

The bitcoin exchange Bittrex is withdrawing a number of privacy coins from its program. But there is resistance to the measure.The Bitcoin exchange Bittrex will suspend […]