Le terme "crypto-monnaie"fait référence à une monnaie numérique basée sur des protocoles cryptographiques, qui rendent les transactions sûres et extrêmement difficiles à falsifier.
La caractéristique la plus importante des crypto-monnaies est qu'elles ne sont contrôlées par aucune autorité centrale: la nature décentralisée de la Blockchain rend ces pièces pratiquement insensibles aux interférences ou au contrôle des gouvernements.
De plus, grâce à la combinaison d'une clé publique et d'une clé privée, les crypto-monnaies simplifient le processus de transaction. Les échanges se déroulent avec des coûts de traitement minimes, ce qui permet aux utilisateurs d'éviter les commissions très élevées imposées par les institutions financières traditionnelles.
novembre 3, 2021

Bitcoin Prints The Highest Monthly Close in Recorded History. What’s Next?

Bitcoin closed the highest ever monthly candle in recorded history. Every time this happened, bitcoin surged by hundreds of percentage points in the following weeks — […]
novembre 3, 2021

Should You Buy Doge Or Shiba Token?

Doge coin and Shiba token continue to keep getting so much media attention and hype, so I decided I would answer the question: should you buy […]
novembre 3, 2021

Cryptocurrency Value Explained: Factors That Drive It

The value of cryptocurrencies is driven by several factors, including market size, market capitalization, and speculation. The cryptocurrency market has grown exponentially over the past few […]
novembre 3, 2021

5 Best Ways to Earn Cryptocurrency

So you’re thinking about getting into cryptocurrency and want to know how to convert your Bitcoin to US dollars. Now what? People gaining thousands of dollars […]
novembre 2, 2021

Play, Mine, Earn with HeliconNFT: the All-New Play-to-Earn NFT Ecosystem

HeliconNFT has launched its cross-dimensional gaming ecosystem that enables users to monetise in-game assets.In-game elements move fluidly across different platforms and networks, bridging the gap between […]
novembre 2, 2021

Project Rundown Interview with BNBPay

“Disclaimer: The Capital has received payment in exchange for writing this article”Hey guys! Happy to connect today and learn more about BNBPay! Can you tell us […]
novembre 2, 2021

Play Games and Earn Money

In the past, gaming was always looked down on, either as a waste of time or something that nerds, and dare we say it, losers did.Gaming […]
novembre 2, 2021

What Really is Money?

Dimitrios GourtzilidisFollowNov 1 · 4 min readWhen we talk about economic and finance topics, we take “money” for granted. But when we ask ourselves what money […]
novembre 2, 2021

What is Proof of Capacity (PoC)?

Photo by Marc-Olivier Jodoin on UnsplashProof of Capacity is a consensus mechanism to regulate the validation of new blocks on blockchains. The procedure is one of […]