O termo "criptomoeda"refere-se a uma moeda digital baseada em protocolos criptográficos, que tornam as transações seguras e extremamente difíceis de falsificar.
A característica mais importante das criptomoedas é que elas não são controladas por nenhuma autoridade central: a natureza descentralizada do Blockchain torna essas moedas praticamente imunes à interferência ou controle de governos.
Além disso, graças à combinação de uma chave pública e uma chave privada, as criptomoedas simplificam o processo de transação. As trocas ocorrem com custos mínimos de processamento, permitindo que os usuários evitem as altíssimas comissões impostas pelas instituições financeiras tradicionais.
4 de janeiro de 2021

A quantidade de dinheiro e sua velocidade de circulação

Photo by Charles Deluvio on UnsplashThe so-called quantity equation is an essential foundation of the prevailing economic doctrine. A highly questionable one!The ideas of a circulating […]
4 de janeiro de 2021

As 10 melhores bolsas de criptomoedas da Índia em 2021

Top 10 best trusted, secure, and easy cryptocurrency exchange in India to buy bitcoin in 2021After the ruling of the Supreme Court was made in the […]
4 de janeiro de 2021

Mudanças quânticas em investimentos em criptomoedas

For as long as there have been markets, there have been investors trying to get an edge in them, and quantum computing is the latest shiny […]
3 de janeiro de 2021

Como o problema de escalabilidade do blockchain começou a ser resolvido

You don’t have to make a tradeoff between security, scalability, and decentralization.Since Bitcoin’s white paper is published, scalability became the biggest problem on the blockchain. When […]
3 de janeiro de 2021

Coinbase, OKCoin, Bitwise, Galaxy Digital, Bitstamp, B2C2, All Said Goodbye To Ripple

Coinbase and OKCoin will stop trading of XRP due to the SEC lawsuit. The cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase will close trading of the XRP token for users […]
3 de janeiro de 2021

Segundo analista de Messari: Instituições vão comprar Ethereum em 2021

Messari analyst Ryan Watkins expressed his opinion that in 2021, institutional investors will start buying Ethereum along with Bitcoin.Watkins expressed his views on the social network […]
3 de janeiro de 2021

5 empolgantes previsões Ethereum para 2021 (Bull Run Incoming)

Crypto Oracle Andrew Keys made some bold claimsCanvaCoinDesk became one of my favorite publications this year. They’re always ahead of the curve and feature some of […]
3 de janeiro de 2021

The Most 2020 Key Facts For The Cryptocurrency Market According To Arcade Research

In 2020, bitcoin finally got the attention of institutional investors. The broad financial markets have been volatile amid the COVID-pandemic, but the central banks have intervened […]
3 de janeiro de 2021

Bitcoin Price Review: Week 53–2020

Constant bitcoin upswings close out 2020.Bitcoin is in price discovery mode.The price touched all time highs most days thus far in the final two weeks of […]