The term "cryptocurrency" refers to a digital currency based on cryptographic protocols, which make transactions safe and extremely difficult to falsify.
The most important feature of cryptocurrencies is that they are not controlled by any central authority: the decentralized nature of the Blockchain makes these coins practically immune to interference or control by governments.
Furthermore, thanks to the combination of a public and a private key, cryptocurrencies simplify the transaction process. The exchanges take place with minimal processing costs, allowing users to avoid the very high commissions imposed by traditional financial institutions.
January 8, 2021

Non Fungible Tokens (NFT) May Become the Trendsetter in the Industry 2021

Non Fungible Tokens (NFT) are a special type of crypto token backed by an asset. They are non-interchanged with each other and are non-divisible. It can […]
January 8, 2021

Bitcoin among the top 10 most valuable global assets

The Bitcoin price has risen by over 75% in the last month and almost 25% in the last week to reach the USD 34,000 mark. The […]
January 7, 2021

Blockchain: Important Characteristics — Foundational Information (Part 1)

1. TransparencyAfter the launch of the Social Dilemma on Netflix, there has been a huge surge in interest in private data and how data is collected. […]
January 7, 2021

Bulls, Bears, and Caution: Long-Term Winning on Cryptocurrencies

It’s never becoming easy to make good returns.The thrill of bull and bear runs might make you intimidated. But if you know what to do, you […]
January 7, 2021

The Best VPN Service Providers 2021 With Comparison and Reviews

You have been reading and engaging with our blogs for a long time. We understand that you need a list of top VPN services to save […]
January 7, 2021

Top Use Cases of Blockchain in Real World

Blockchain platforms have completely changed our way of life by bringing relevant changes in technology. In many areas, Blockchain fundamentally transforms the way we live life […]
January 7, 2021

What You Learn From Making $100,000 in a Year that No One Tells You

When I first started to invest, I invested in mutual funds. When I invested, buying stocks on your phone was not available. You could think I’m […]
January 7, 2021

2020 Predictions — how did we do?

Here is a list of the various predictions we made in January 2020 and the results one year on.1. With global debt at over $255 trillion, […]
January 7, 2021

Top picks for trading bots in 2021

Understanding why you should consider using a trading bot?Simply put, you should choose a bot to make trades because that is the only way you can […]