O termo "criptomoeda"refere-se a uma moeda digital baseada em protocolos criptográficos, que tornam as transações seguras e extremamente difíceis de falsificar.
A característica mais importante das criptomoedas é que elas não são controladas por nenhuma autoridade central: a natureza descentralizada do Blockchain torna essas moedas praticamente imunes à interferência ou controle de governos.
Além disso, graças à combinação de uma chave pública e uma chave privada, as criptomoedas simplificam o processo de transação. As trocas ocorrem com custos mínimos de processamento, permitindo que os usuários evitem as altíssimas comissões impostas pelas instituições financeiras tradicionais.
12 de setembro de 2020

‘I F**ked Up’: SushiSwap Creator Chef Nomi Returns $14M Dev Fund

Crypto News PRO Sep 11, 2020 at 16:30 UTCUpdated Sep 11, 2020 at 18:46 UTC(Free To Use Sounds/Unsplash)SushiSwap creator “Chef Nomi” has returned all $14 million […]
12 de setembro de 2020

O que é Tezos e como comprá-lo

Crypto News PRO Tezos (XTZ) is a cryptocurrency and a decentralized computing platform. It features consistent proof of stake, formal verification that allows developers to validate […]
12 de setembro de 2020

Wave Financial vence a primeira rodada de investimentos para Whiskey Fund antes da tokenização

Crypto News PRO Sep 11, 2020 at 16:37 UTCUpdated Sep 11, 2020 at 16:38 UTC(New Africa/Shutterstock)Investment management firm Wave Financial said Friday it has received its […]
12 de setembro de 2020

Eventos criptográficos de setembro

Crypto News PRO We’ve prepared a brief summary of the most fascinating crypto-events that are to happen this September. Check them out to be prepared for […]
12 de setembro de 2020

Ending Money’s Distance Trap

Crypto News PRO Sep 11, 2020 at 16:52 UTCUpdated Sep 11, 2020 at 18:51 UTC(Maksim Shutov/Unsplash)For Australians of my generation, historian Geoffrey Blainey’s phrase the “tyranny […]
12 de setembro de 2020

What Is Monero And How To Buy It

Crypto News PRO Not all users were satisfied with the transparency of the network of the first cryptocurrency Bitcoin, and this prompted developers to create truly […]
12 de setembro de 2020

MakerDao’s Short (and Long) Term Fixes for Dai’s Broken Peg

Crypto News PRO Sep 11, 2020DAIMakerDAO founder Rune Christensen (CoinDesk archives)Takeaways: As traders gobble up stablecoins for yield farming, demand for MakerDAO’s dai (DAI) has sent […]
12 de setembro de 2020

Dash vs Monero: Top Difference You Need To Know

Crypto News PRO Since Dash and Monero came into existence, their main focus has been security and privacy. But it’s quite tricky to decide who’d won […]
12 de setembro de 2020

Bitcoin Investors Grow Fearful as Signs of Weakness Proliferate

Crypto News PRO It has been a rocky past couple of weeks for Bitcoin. The cryptocurrency was able to surge as high as $12,400 just a […]